The Key On Saving Marriage

There are some married couples nowadays that are already separated. After just sometime or just a couple of fights, they already decide to have the divorce because what they thought is that it is the only way to stop the problems that they have. They see divorce as a scapegoat to their marriage problems.

You know what? Single people or separated people have a lot of problems too. This is what they do not know. Now if single people have a lot of problems in their lives, then how much more for a married couple? All people have problems and that's not what comes to their minds.

Look at the time when you got married, you had a promise to each other that you will not part for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer right? Did you forget that promise? I think so. Why? You forgot it because you decided to have the divorce. Did you not ever think about saving your marriage first? Do you remember the saying about "two heads are better than one"? This saying applies to married people.

You and your spouse are one but you and your spouse equals two heads. If you have a problem, isn't it very helpful to have somebody who will help you and you are not the only one who is doing your best to solve the problem? It helps a lot, isn't it? Yes, it does. Both of you will solve your problem together and it would be easier rather than solving it alone. Problem is part of our daily lives, either financial or emotional or anything.

If you have problems then talk about it together. Do not argue about it. Talk softly to each other and find what the problem is. Do not tone up your voice. Talk calmly. Ask your spouse what she or he really wants to do. Be open minded. If you do not agree to what your spouse wants then tell your spouse what you also want in a calm voice, in a calm way.

Show him or her that you are listening. When you show your spouse that you are listening then you are avoiding arguments. Let them talk first. Never talk when they are saying what they feel and what they like. Listen to the ideas she places on the table. Do you know that the main key on saving marriage is communication? It is not just for saving marriage but also on having a happy marriage. When you communicate well then you can join together and be a better force. Both of you will become stronger because you know in your mind that you have someone that will support you no matter what.

Original article

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