Soul Mates - Sole Mates

Just like almost every girl, I have always dreamed of my prince charming who will rescue me one day and take me with him...happily ever after. My concept of a prince charming was not only a handsome and gorgeous man but someone who is my soul mate.

I remember being on the lookout for that soul mate. My basis was that instant connection of the heart and mind, followed by that tingling feeling all over my body. I guess I based this concept from all those novels I've read and love stories I've watched. It was very frustrating. I met men who connected with me mentally but I just didn't get that tingling feeling. Then I met those who gave me that tingling feeling but there was no other connection. After some time, I totally gave up on this soul mate issue and just settled for anyone who will love me, even more than I will love him. I just needed to be loved.

I found that man who loved me more than I loved him and it wasn't enough for me. There was something inside of me that still believed that my prince charming was out there... my perfect match... the one who was created perfectly for me. Was I just dreaming? Yes I was, at that time, because I didn't know the reality of Jesus.

When I finally surrendered my life to Jesus, I discovered what true love was all about. I began experiencing love for what it really was... the pure love of God. My "soulish" realm (mind and emotions) was renewed and I became more and more connected with Jesus. It was this intimate connection with Him that led me to the man who He has set aside for me.

So did I meet my soul mate? Yes I did, but only because my soul was surrendered to Jesus just as his soul was. This gives me a fresh new definition of a soul mate. While I previously thought of soul mate as that instant connection of the heart and mind and then that tingling sensation in the body, I now look at it as that instant connection of your spirits. When a man and woman are totally surrendered to Jesus, they will know when they see each other. Their spirits will speak and connect with each other like magnets. So where does the "soul" fit in here?

In Romans 8:6 Paul talks about the "mind of the flesh" and "mind of the spirit". The mind belongs to the "soulish" realm. This means that we can think and feel in the flesh, even if we are in the Lord. This may even deceive us, thinking that since our minds and hearts were instantly connected with a fellow Christian, then he is from the Lord. This is why I believe that there has to be a connection of the spirits first. When the connection starts here, then it is the mind and heart of the spirit that will be activated. This for me is what a soul mate is. And this for me should be the foundation of every Christian marriage. Now if you are married and you don't feel this connection with your spouse, I advise you to pray. God can restore your marriage to how it should have been in the first place.

I also believe that there is only one soul mate for each one. This means that your "soul mate" is your "sole mate". God created you for just that one person, and that person was created just for you.

Lisa Maki is the founder of God'z Gurlz, a Bible-based online magazine for women whose mission is to is to provide a place where women can learn to manage their emotions, experience healing, receive love and acceptance, be free to be who God made them to be, and be the best they can be in their homes, schools, professions, relationships, and calling, through sharing of insights and experiences, counseling, prayer, and devotionals, thereby learning from and supporting each other.

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