Tips of How to Save Your Relationship

First, there are some relationships that should not be saved. Having said that, it is most important to start with an examination of your relationship, how it began, why you were attracted to your partner, and what is the genuine source of your discontent. When the assessment is complete, you will have a better and solid idea of whether your relationship is one that should be saved.

My contention is that abusive relationships are most likely not worth saving. You need professional counseling in order to make the last assessment as to whether effort should be invested to save such a relationship. This goes for the physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, and the spouse that is abusive to your children. You will get mentally tougher as a benefit from the professional's advise.

Begin your evaluation of the relationship with the basic inquiries. Introspection, critical examination, and honest recognition of our personal behavior are the most significant and basic inquiries that deserve to be thoroughly completed. Unless you can honestly state that you are totally innocent of any verbal or non-verbal bad behavior, the problem(s) you now face are mutually created. We can easily blame our spouse/partner or rationalize and deny our contribution to the problem(s), but that does not make us innocent. So, be honest when you assess the problem(s) and each of your contributions to them. Initially, it is best to concentrate on your contribution to the current problem(s) more than your partner's.

It is common to give up quickly on a relationship when we are hurting, angry, upset and disappointed. However, the value of the relationship may be in what each has given up or let slide as the children came along or the career increased its demands on our time. It may be easier to just chuck the relationship and go on, but that may not be the most helpful choice for the long run.

Children are affected at every age by the break-up. Psychologists have written libraries full of material and documented scientific studies on the deep and life-long damages to children of broken homes. As these children age, the volumes of material seem to grow even more. Your children will not escape the scares that a broken relationship will impose on them. So, do not treat it lightly.

True some couples make improper choices at very young ages and find themselves in the worst of relationships for all the wrong reasons - thankfully, these are not the majority.

When you believe that you have examined the genuine cause(s) of the current discontent, it is time to approach your partner and decide whether they too recognize the same or different problem(s). It is only more hurtful if one partner wants to save a relationship when the other has already given up. When both partners agree to "work at" discovering the cause(s) and make a genuine effort to restore balance, meaning, and value to the relationship will true beneficial change begin.

Often times the events of life, e.g. children, career, clubs, associations and the like take us away from our partner. When children are small or ill, it is more important that they are tended than your partner attend a meeting or event to which you are committed. However, when those events continue to be more important than time with your partner and family, you are giving your relationship up for temporary gratification. Which often sets up opportunities that are not healthy for your relationship.

Couples do better when they have mutually planned the time to begin having children. Most will understand that having a family demands certain sacrifices of time, financial and personal resources. Being partners in the having and raising of children more often results in a very happy, pleasant and joyful relationship. If you passed by this procedure/process and now find yourselves apart because of the imbalance, then begin by discussing the issue. You need a partner that is on the same page and is committed to you and the relationship. Short of that you have little if any chance to salvage the relationship.

Now, go back to the beginning of your relationship and remember the "way you were." Relive the attraction. Recall the qualities of your partner that you admired. Make a detailed assessment of where the relationship began and then what propelled its early progress. Discussing these recollections with your partner is also helpful.

The question becomes whether you can now act and react as you did in the beginning? Sometimes it takes an effort to bring circumstances that foster a closeness. Sex is the poorest of all choices. To properly deal with issues in your relationship, requires much more than intercourse. It may need a candle light dinner or start a date night for the two of you each week.

It may take a discussion about changing schedules so that you two have 1/2 and hour to talk about the day's events. Get the idea? It takes some thought about the little things that can be done which change the interaction between you.

If you or your partner are coming home from your day at the job and being "TIRED" acting toward each other or your children, STOP NOW! Begin a practice of mentally deciding that you are on your way home and that you will act refreshed and excited to interact with each other and the children. You and the children have openly or sub-consciously desired to share news of the day with you. Build an atmosphere within which they can do that in a meaningful way.

Be polite to your partner. Take Proverbs admonition to heart. When you respond with kindness to those who are grumpy, grouchy, or worse, it is like heaping hot coals on their head. It may take a little time, but your attitude change will have a positive effect. In other words, show your partner the you that they want to be with.

Richard Darnell wrote this article. You may copy it in its entirety, without change or alteration and include this paragraph. For more on the topic of relationships click here.

Richard Darnell wrote this article. You may copy it in its entirety, without change or alteration and include this paragraph. For more on the topic of relationships click here.


Ways To Save A Marriage - Common Problems That You Can Overcome

Working Through Adversity: Ways to Save a Marriage

Although we know more about ourselves than our parents did, and we don't settle when we know there are solutions awaiting us, we still somehow make some of the same mistakes in life that our parents did. Despite societal pressures or being raised in a very religious home, as much as we know about ourselves, divorce is as high as it ever was. Maybe people are no longer staying in marriages when problems arise - as our parents and grandparents routinely did - it doesn't seem to prevent people from making mistakes. But here's a thought: rather than correct the mistake by getting a divorce, why not find ways to work on a marriage?

Some of the common reasons for considering divorce the ONLY viable option:

My spouse cheatedMy in-laws hate meHe wants to raise our kids a different religion than I am

My Spouse Cheated

It might surprise you to know that there are myriad ways to save a marriage following the discovery that a spouse has cheated. Cheating, while extremely disrespectful, is a sign that there is something wrong in the marriage such that the cheater felt cheating was the only way out. How to save a marriage in this instance requires going to couples' counseling and many couples report, "yeah, he cheated but we worked through it and counseling went a long way to saving my marriage."

My In-Laws Hate Me

There's a reason many people refer to their in-laws as their outlaws. Some leave their sons and daughters alone and some, them despite growing up and having families of their own, feel they must meddle in their kids' lives. Ways to save a marriage when your spouse is having problems cutting the umbilical cord may include drastic measures like moving away. Regardless whether his or her parents are right in the things they say about how to raise your kids or how to spend your money or whatever, they need to butt out to give your marriage a shot. You will make mistakes but you'll figure it out.

My Spouse Wants to Raise Our Kids a Different Religion Than I Am

Religion is a big deal. You're a Methodist, She's Jewish. Ironically, this wasn't an issue when you got married and you had a fabulous fusion wedding honoring both religions. But now that you have kids, you've realized you want your kids your religion and she wants the kids raised her religion. This is not a deal breaker! If you really want to learn how to save a marriage in this circumstance, you can do a few things. If one of you doesn't care as much about religion as the other, you or your spouse could convert. Alternatively, you could examine the positives about each of your religions and you'll likely find that there are several similarities between them. There is no such thing as one is bad over another, despite what these wars going on allege. Another way to learn how to save a marriage despite the differences in religion is to raise your children both! If the differences are what made you fall in love, they both clearly offer some richness that is worth imparting to your kids equally. Kids are smart; let them make the ultimate decision as they get older.

If you really are committed to finding ways to save a marriage, working through these or any other issue is possible. And anyone who has successfully been able to declare, "My marriage is stronger because I made the effort and devoted the time to saving my marriage" can tell you, you always come out stronger than when you started.

Feel free to read more information at and start taking action to save your marriage. Join the network that will support you and deliver you incredible information and resources. Learn the best ways to save a marriage!


Thinking of Going Back to Your Husband to Try to Save Your Family? Tips And Advice That Might Help

Family can be a huge contributing factor in whether you attempt to save your marriage or not. Many people confess to me that were it not for their children, the decision of whether or not to end their marriage would probably be a lot easier. Children can even factor into equation once the couple has already separated. Sometimes, people see how much this shift upsets or confuses their children so they are motivated to consider trying once more.

I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: "I left my husband last month. We'd been fighting a lot and I suppose I was trying to get his attention because I wanted for him to take me seriously. He's been acting better and my kids really miss their dad. The other night, we all went out to eat and when he dropped us off and left, I found myself wondering what it would be like to just go back home. But I have my doubts because we haven't gotten any counseling or really changed anything. Still, I want so much to keep my family together. After I've gotten this little taste of being on my own I find that it's not as great as I had hoped. So I'm wondering if I should go back to my husband in an attempt to save my family."

This certainly wasn't a decision that I could make for this wife. It was clear that she was confused and having conflicting feelings. The fact that she missed her husband and saw staying together as a possibility was a positive sign, but the fact that nothing had really changed was certainly a concern. In the following article, I'll offer some things that you may want to think about if you're considering going back to your husband in order to save your family.

Don't Rush It. You Can Address Your Marital Issues While You're Separated. It Might Be Devastating To Your Family If You Have To Leave Twice: I understand how it feels to be away from your spouse when you are separated because I have been there myself. Everything feels so immediate. And you worry that if you don't go back now, you might never find your way back.

But I know from experience and by watching this scenario in many other couples that you are better off waiting until you can address at least some of your issues or know that you can reconnect and communicate again before you rush into something that might actually harm your marriage rather than save it.

It would probably actually be more confusing and hurtful to your kids if you went back home only to fight again, or worse, only to pack your bags, uproot the kids and leave once more. It's wonderful and admirable to want to save your family. But make sure that you have the tools and the time to do it right so that your kids end up with a healthy and happy family rather than one that was slapped back together in a rush but which will fall apart as a result sometime in the future.

Ask Yourself What Would Need To Change In Order To Make Your Marriage Work: The biggest problem that I see in this situation is that people go into it without a clear plan for change. Wanting to save your family is a very admirable goal, but that goal isn't going to do much to change your marriage and keep it from failing once again. In order to reach that goal and ensure that your family stays together for the long term, you'll often need to make some changes within your marriage so that not only do you stay together, but you are happy doing so.

If you are just going through the motions for the benefit of your children, but are not really happy, then your children are going to know the difference and might not get the full benefit of your getting back together. So while it's wonderful to vow to save your family, don't stop there.

Ask yourself what it would really take to make your marriage a happy one and vow to do everything you can to make those changes happen. Good intentions and hoping for the best are often not enough. You may love your husband desperately and be willing to do anything for your children. But if you don't put some changes or improvements in place, what is going to keep you from ending up right back here in the future?

At the same time, you don't want to dwell on your problems so much that you can't be spontaneous and just feel some joy to be back with your husband and family. It really is a delicate dance. You want to combine a new, light hearted attitude with really and truly getting down to work to make some lasting and important changes in your marriage. Because you want to be able to keep your family together forever in a marriage that is a happy one which sets a good example.

Think about it this way. The driving factor for you right now is your family and that is truly wonderful. But it doesn't make sense to bring your family back into a marriage that is only barely dragging itself along. You want your children to grow up with parents who have a happy and stable marriage because this is the example that you setting for your children's marriage. Therefore, you want to give them something worthwhile to model so that they will have their own happy marriage. This is a wonderful gift to give them and probably your true intention. So while I applaud and encourage your attempt to save your family, make sure that improving and fixing your marriage is equally as important.

I know how you feel because there was a time when I wanted to save my marriage at all costs, but I wasn't really thinking about how to fix it in the process. So our marriage suffered (and deteriorated) more and more as the result. It wasn't until I decided that I would accept nothing less than the best marriage I could possibly rebuild that things began to change. Not only did I save my marriage, but I created a marriage that was worth saving. If it helps, you're welcome to read that very emotional story on my blog at


Top Five Tips For Saving Your Marriage Today

Do you feel as though your marriage is crumbling before your very eyes? If so, you may well be wondering how it ever got to this stage. The damage your relationship has suffered may seem irreparable, but I'm here to tell you that you aren't powerless; there are actions you can take that have the power to greatly improve your relationship. Without further adieu, here are my top five tips for saving your marriage today:

1. Try and figure out 'where it all went wrong': I feel that it is important to establish why and how your relationship has gotten to the state that it is in. It may well be something as straightforward as your spouse never seeing enough of you. If this is so, then you don't need me to tell you what to do (but I will just in case!) Work fewer hours. Even if it means that you're put under strain financially, because you love your husband/wife and they are more than worth it. In any case, talk to your partner as there may well be something you can change or put into practice effective immediately to improve your marriage.

2. Re-open the communication channels: Although most relationships which are in turmoil suffer from a seemingly never-ending amount of arguing, sometimes instead it is that communication between you and your spouse is non-existent. If this is the case, I would encourage you to not take the route of blaming your partner, feeling resentful or trying to tackle 'important issues'. Instead, simply get into the habit of making sociable conversation with them again. At first, you may still receive one, two word answers but continue with utter patience and life with your partner will become more civil and enjoyable.

3. Don't argue, discuss: I am a firm believer that more often than not, couples argue not due to issues that they simply can't resolve, but because they have allowed it to become a habit. A default way of communicating. It is of utter importance that both you and your spouse make a concerted effort to move away from arguments and instead learn to discuss.

Books have been written on how to achieve this but in brief, under no circumstance should you be rude, belittling, or hurtful towards your partner. Instead, listen to what they have to say (without interrupting them) and acknowledge how they feel. Before you move on, address that issue with them and agree on a way to deal with it.

4. Take some time out for self-reflection: A way marriages can be difficult is this feeling that to a degree, you have lost your sense of self. Think about it; when you are not at work, you are usually never not with your partner, nor do you make a decision without them. I would encourage you each to find time for yourselves every week. This may be spending a couple of hours at the gym, hanging out with some friends after work, playing some golf on the weekend and so on. Whatever it is that may interest you, fit some you time into your schedule a.s.a.p.

5. Be romantic with each other: This is an essential part of a healthy marriage. However, unless you are communicating (as discussed in tip #2) it will be difficult to achieve. If that isn't a problem for you and your partner, then begin by letting them know how much you love them and how sexy you think they are. Not only will this make them feel loved, appreciated and sexy but they will be more likely to reciprocate in this fashion. I would also recommend having a 'date night' once a week.

This doesn't have to be an evening at your favourite restaurant. It could be a simple as cuddling on the couch, watching a movie together and sharing the popcorn. The important thing is that you are making time for each other, no matter how busy your lives are.

If you begin to implement these techniques, then you will start to enjoy having a healthy and romantic marriage once again.

Jonathon Stevens is a relationship expert. For more great information on save marriage today, visit


You Too Can Have Harmony in Your Marriage

Why do we have problems in our marriage?

During the years I've been working with couples to help them resolve their marriage problems it is determined many of their issues come from a difference in values. We are all a product of our parents, or the person(s) that raised us. Our parents were instilled values in their lives; they instill values in us, just as we instill values in our children's life.

Some Examples:

1. A. Wife was taught she could be anything she wanted to be as long as she put her mind to it. She'll want to teach her children the same thing. She'll encourage and praise her children to success and to happiness.

B. Husband was taught he was a failure and always would be. He will do the same to his children. He'll complain about everything they do wrong and will never see the good in his child.

2. A. Wife was raised by a mother that stole. Wife also steals and teaches her children that stealing is the way of life.

B. Husband was raised by his parents not to steal and if he did steal he would be punished. Husband teaches his children it is not okay to steal and if they do they will also be punished.

3. A. Husband was raised by parents who were physically and verbally abusive to each other, husband is physically and verbally abusive, and he teaches (by children watching) his children that abuse is okay.

B. Wife was raised by parents who were affectionate to each other, wife is affectionate to her husband, and teaches her children to show love and be affectionate to their spouse.

I could go on and on with this list, but almost every problem we have in our marriage evolves from a difference in the values we were raised by.

Okay, so now what do we do about it?

1. Show love.

2. Show love, then decide which is the healthiest and most productive way and compromise. If you have children, ask yourself which will give the best results to your children.

3. Show love, compromise, and encourage each other to be the best you can be.

One more thing:

I hope there isn't much to compromise on between husband and wife when it comes down to deciding which is the best life for everyone involved. This should be easy as you consider what is best for the children and what gives everyone a happy and healthy home environment.

I work with married couples on the verge of a breakup to resolve their relationship issues once and for all so that they can revive the love, passion, respect, and fun that's been missing from their marriage.

Rhonda Neely, author, and creator of Your Christian Marriage Restoration Station has a proven track record and knows the key elements of a committed and vivacious marriage. Her expertise is not only supporting couples to commit to their marriage, but discover how to have a vivacious marriage as well!

Rhonda is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Marriage and Family Coaching. Rhonda received her certification through PCCCA (Professional Christian Coaching and Counseling Academy) and continued her coaching education and certification through a Coaching4Clergy.


When Is a Marriage Over? Time To Ask Yourself Some Questions and Face The Truth

Some questions that come up frequently amongst those experiencing difficulties in their marriage are 'When is a marriage over?' and 'when it is time to call it a day?' and 'when is it time to admit that enough is enough?' This is basically the same question, and it is a difficult to answer, but this article will help you to answer it.

The most common reasons for a marriage ending include the following:-

One or more of the couple cheating

The love dying

'Drifting apart'

No physical intimacy

Loss of trust

Not meeting each other's expectations

Constant conflict, even violence

In some ways, the question 'when is a marriage over?' is similar to 'how do you know when you're in love?'. They're completely different ends of the scale, yes, but there are literally hundreds of different answers for both of them. The answer I have heard the most, for both questions, is 'you just know'. Think about that for a moment. Falling in love and ending a marriage are two very big events in anyone's life, yet this 'answer' seems to be so clinical and brief.

In truth, there are a multitude of factors that get you to the point of 'just knowing'. For the purpose of this article, we're of course going to concentrate on the latter of the two questions.

Let's ponder it for a moment. How do you know when a marriage is over?

Maybe your feelings towards the other person have changed. Perhaps those butterflies you felt when looking at them aren't there any more. Perhaps the thought of going home to them after work just doesn't fill you with happiness any longer. What has contributed to this though? It doesn't just happen overnight. It could be that your partner doesn't pay as much attention to you as you'd like. Or maybe they have different views on things such as money and kids than they did when you both said 'I do'.

You really need to ponder the question in detail. Does the marriage feel 'over' because you feel let down? Is your pride hurt? Is it easier just to give up, rather than sit down with your partner and figure out what exactly you both want out of the marriage?

Now for my answer to the question. In our opinion, a marriage is over when both partners have put everything they have into it and can look back and say they gave it their best shot. Can you do that? If you are reading this article, my guess is that you don't know 100% if your marriage is over, otherwise you wouldn't be looking for answers. In that case, I think there is at the very least a glimmer of hope for you. The big question is - are you prepared to fight for your marriage? If you're already wondering if it is coming to an end, then what do you have to lose?

As I mentioned early on in this article, things like infidelity and violence are deal breakers for a lot of people, and I completely understand that. Only you know if you could move forward after either of those things have occurred in your relationship, it's not for me to tell you. If things like that haven't occurred in your relationship, and your issue is that you don't think you feel the same, you owe it to yourself and your partner to find out if that really is the case. It could be that you actually don't know yet.

Here is a list of questions to ask yourself right now, and the answers should give you a better idea of your feelings towards your spouse, and your feelings about the marriage itself. Writing these down, along with your answers might prove useful too. After you have answered them for yourself, you could answer them for your spouse too, as if they were answering them. Be as honest as you possibly can here.

Do you still enjoy your spouse's company?

Do you still find them physically attractive?

Do you trust them?

Are you honest with them?

Do you feel you spend enough time with them?

Do you feel the marriage allows you to grow individually?

Have you told them exactly how you feel about them and the marriage? If so, have you explained your reasoning?

Here's another way of looking at things - if you woke up tomorrow and you were no longer married and were living separately, how would you feel? Relieved? Lost? Confused? Devastated? Happy? Now fast forward 3 months, how do you think you'd feel then? Would you still feel the same? Or after having 3 months to clear your mind, would you have regrets about going your separate ways?

If you are struggling with where to go from here, an all in one solution like Amy Waterman's outstanding Save My Marriage Today would help you to definitively answer this question. Not only that, but reading through all the practical advice and following it would help YOU as an individual. It's about much more than saving your marriage, it goes into how to learn what YOU want from like and how to make yourself happy, regardless of your relationship status. It's not only a marriage saver, it can be a LIFE saver. Perhaps that sounds a tad dramatic, but when you are unhappy in your marriage and in your household, your life just isn't what it should be. Imagine waking up each day feeling positive and optimistic about your marriage and your life. You'd be at work and would be counting down the minutes until it was time to go home and could spend time with your spouse. You'd be rid of all the stress of wondering where your life is going.

Do you want to stay exactly where you are right now, or do you want to move forward? Taking some definitive action today can and will change things for the better. Even if your marriage IS over, it's better that you are able to find that out and take steps to move forward with your life. The worst thing you can do is just stay exactly where you are right now. Are you happy there? Of course not. You deserve to be happy. If you need help, and don't want to go the counseling route then Save My Marriage Today could be just what you need.

Visit us today at and watch (yes, watch! A LIVE VIDEO showing you how it can change everything for you) our Save My Marriage Today Review.


Why a woman does not respect her husband

The word "generosity" means "to show kindness and goodwill towards someone. Several husbands were a problem in this area. To be more blunt, they treat their wives as waste. Often, husbands take their wives for granted... even as to be unreasonable. Abuse is always wrong! Too many husbands are too demanding of their wives and unreasonable. It is a sin for a husband treating his wife to bad or disrespectful manner.

She needs to be respected

Men are generally quite ignore how many women must be respected. Why? Because when men are not respected, they react differently. A man who feels not respected, for example, is apt to become self-righteous and indignant. It still feels more worthy of respect when other respects. He may even offer less respect until he gets what he believes that it deserves.

Women work differently. When they are not respected, they feel insecure and lose their sense of identity. Husbands, that is why it is so vital that you can take special care of your wife need to respect.

There are a number of means of proof of compliance to your wife. First, respecting your wife means do not attempt to modify or manipulate her, but rather to meet its needs, desires, values and rights. I know a husband who does not respect his wife almost daily. It values the tradition to have its door open for her by her husband. She grew up in a house where Dad always open the door of the mother, and she wants her husband to do the same. She knows this is the kind of old-fashioned, but it is very important for him and she asked her husband to do so. You're, joking apart, no? Nobody does more. That is why we have electric locking on the car. »

Open his door was a small application, but laughing it off the coast, this husband weakens his chance to meet one of deeper needs-not his wife have doors open for her, but are respected.

Concerning your wife also means him especially in decisions. I am always surprised when I find a husband who exercises all the powers to a marriage, a man who takes all the decisions, regardless of what believes that his wife. I have even known some men who will take decisions regarding the relocation to a new job in another part of the country without even consulting with their spouses. I don't know a faster way to get the meaning of the woman of the self and ruin the possibility of a happy marriage. Build your wife self-esteem and sense of security by asking its entry each time that you can, even on small things. When you make a decision that could affect his saying, "I think..." "What do you think of that?"or "I think that we should..." What you want? »

In return for this connection, a woman will be able to relax. How wonderful to live with a woman.


What's The Good Of Marrying?

This week I received an email with a number of questions relating to the good of getting married. Here are my answers as they were asked in the email.

What are the procedures involved in getting married?

I guess the starting point to getting married is to get the permission of the intended first. If that person agrees then there may be a need to get parents permission.

While in most cultures this request is generally initiated by the man there are times when it might be initiated by the woman. One of these times might be the 29 February. This is the one day that only comes up every four years as, by the Gregorian Calendar, it is a leap year. And guess what that happens next in 2012. So girls go for it.

Then once your proposal has been accepted then the opportunities are endless depending on whether you would be married by a minister of your church or by a celebrant.

One thing I always encourage couples who are preparing to marry is to do a marriage preparation course whether this is one conducted by a minister or a counsellor in the community. There is simply no better way to insure your marriage for long term success.

Is it necessary to get married?

Well this is an interesting question and really is at the discretion of those who might be contemplating marriage to decide.

In some countries and cultures there could be a requirement that before two people can live together they must be married. In other cultures, such as our western culture, marriage is optional before living together.

The research indicates however that people who actually get married may have a stronger commitment to their partner to make the relationship succeed. In the same way those who choose to live together may be more ready to leave if the relationship begins to falter.

Is there any merit in marriage? If yes, what are they?

As I said above the merit in marriage is that it is a commitment made to another person in front of witnesses which, by it's very nature, has the psychological impact of being more compelling to work at this relationship through the good times and in bad, through sickness and in health.

The decision to marry requires the couple to really think about where they want their relationship to go. This also hopefully gets them thinking and questioning beyond today, and what they want right now, to considering the future even to the point of 'til death do them part.

But maybe the greatest value in marriage is that it allows couples to feel secure knowing that their partner willingly takes a vow to commit fully to them. And hopefully this also means that before just walking out when things get tough they firstly make every effort to find a way through the difficulty that is presenting itself.

Is it necessary to have children? If yes, for what reasons.

The simple answer? No it's not necessary to have children. Some believe however that to have children is the reason for marrying and the ultimate reason for being.

My belief is that to have children, or not, is a decision for each couple to make as is appropriate to their own circumstances. Of course there are those couples who for a variety of reasons are unable to, or choose not to, have children. Their relationship is based on connections other than children which is also entirely appropriate.

What are the differences between a wedding and customary marriage.

This is a huge question and worthy of a book in itself. Every cultural group on the planet has its own way of celebrating the joining of two people in marriage through some kind of wedding ceremony.

And each of these ways will have its own customs and traditions. The wedding celebration simply defines the date of commencement of a marriage; one that hopefully will last a lifetime and will provide the couple with ongoing joy and happiness.

So until next time - Relate with Love

Lidy Seysener

About the Author

As a qualified Counselor, Lidy Seysener specializes in helping individuals and couples make the most of their lives and their relationships. She's been Counseling for more than twenty years and can also boast having been in an enduring relationship for as long.

For more information about me or what I do take a look at my newest website: where you will find lots more information including quizzes and questionnaires. enter your details and you will get a free copy of my limited edition ebook titled 'Relationships - A Couples Journey'.

© 2010 Lidy Seysener - all rights reserved
