10 Basic Ways to Initiate Foreplay and Sex With Your Husband After Having Kids!

The marriage relationship is a journey that requires you to adjust to life's challenges on a consistent basis. One aspect of life's challenges involves keeping a consistent and passionate sex life in your marriage after your children are born.

Do marriage and children mix? Can you regain the "HOT" in your sex life once the kids arrive?

Some would argue that not having kids is the best solution to maintaining a good sex life within marriage relationship. Of course there are some couples who opt not to have children at all for various reasons. To those individuals, I would say yes, it is possible to keep marriage alive without children. Case in point, my husband and I did not have children until after 8 years of marriage and for this reason, we had a lot of flexibility to go places and enjoy one another without considering schedules and taking care of the needs of little ones. However, if you choose to have kids (or already have kids), your sex life with hubby can still be good if you have a sincere desire to work on it. You can start by communicating with your husband in a way that speaks love and respect to him. I believe that this is where foreplay starts!

While having kids can add another dimension to the marriage relationship, a marriage can also be full of life as long as married couples are willing to work to keep it alive. Having a hot sex life will probably take some time to rebuild, but it's possible. You can start by doing some simple things to set the atmosphere for intimacy and small talk between you and your husband.

With this in mind, here are a few things to consider. The main thing you want to do is find out what your husband likes. Below are a few creative suggestions to get you started:

1. Text him while he's at work and say something like, "I want you...bad!"
2. Write him a brief, sexy love letter.
3. Squeeze his butt before he goes to work.
4. Establish a consistent bedtime schedule for your kids and stick to it.
5. Plan a quiet dinner in your room with your husband.
6. Do a movie night at home with popcorn and his favorite snacks.
7. Start a bubble bath for 2 (you and him).
8. Buy some sexy lingerie to accent the "hot" parts of your body.
9. Give him a foot rub/pedicure.
10. Massage his back and body with warm sweet-smelling massage oil.

While having kids can often present a challenge to your marriage, it is possible to restore the passionate sex life you once had. It is possible to implement creative actions to get your husband's attention. You must be willing to focus on doing your part to initiate foreplay and sex in your marriage without allowing your kids to interfere. Over time, you will get the "HOT" back in your marriage and restore the vibrant sex life you once had.

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Tiffany Godfrey, also known as the Committed Wife, is a marriage resource specialist who's very passionate about helping to save Christian marriages by encouraging Christian women.

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