Essential Conversations

Conversation is generally considered to be a good thing - but essential? Well, in many cases, yes. When you are about to make a major decision in your life, there are almost always several conversations that should occur in order to avoid disappointment or worse.

If you're buying a house in a new neighborhood, conversations might include talking to a few neighbors about the culture of the neighborhood, talking to local police, discussing with contractors what will be involved in implementing improvements or changes you'll want to make, meeting with teachers at schools your children might attend, visiting local houses of worship, and learning about community activities.

If you're considering taking a new job, it's always helpful to have conversations with others who've worked for the person you would report to. If possible, speak with potential colleagues, subordinates, superiors, and people who have previously worked for or with the company. It's especially great if you can talk to the present occupant of the position you're considering, but sometimes circumstances won't allow that. Either way, be sure to find out why the vacancy has occurred. Try to learn more then what's available on a company website or in an annual report. Are the company's customers generally happy with them? Do they have good relationships in the community where they're located?

Maybe you or your parents are considering a retirement community. Again, there are so many conversations that are important that go beyond the obvious financial ones. What kind of facilities do they have if/when health problems arise? Is there a continuity of care, or would it necessitate going to another facility? Can you keep your own physician, or are you required to use a resident physician and be treated only at a particular medical facility or hospital? Are there activities appropriate to all levels of ability? What do other residents have to say about the food? (This is one of the most common complaints). What are the levels of certification or licensure of care givers? (This is where some facilities cut corners to save money). Make sure you see a copy of the latest state inspection, and how deficiencies are addressed.

A general rule of thumb is to ask open-ended questions - i.e. those that can't be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." Such questions usually start with words like "who," "what," "how," "when," where," or "why." These words can be catalysts for essential conversations - conversations that help you do your "due diligence" when making important decisions.

Lee Bowers is a Licensed Psychologist and Director of Suburban Psychological Services, Inc. in Villanova. She has been in practice for over fifteen years. Her doctorate is in Health Psychology and she is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Specialties, and board certified as a Medical Psychologist. Her original training was in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Ericsonian Hypnosis.

In recent years, Lee has become more transpersonal and esoteric in her approach to psychotherapy, believing that for one to be whole, the body, mind, and spirit must be integrated. Deep (soul or Karmic) level meanings of client's problems can be explored if the client wishes, and together, client and therapist work towards a resolution that will be satisfactory to both the intellect and the spirit.

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Do I Have A Passive Aggressive Husband? - The Signs to Look Out For

Passive aggressive behavior is a personality issue whereby a person makes a habit of avoiding their obligations and responsibilities. To illustrate, if the individual is asked to run an errand, he will find excuses to get out of doing it. The excuses given are various, from saying that they were too busy, to putting the blame on being forgetful. If these characteristics are present in the man you married, you could be headed for trouble.

Being married to a man who is passive aggressive can have consequences for you. To illustrate, if you asked your passive aggressive husband to feed the cat while you are away on a business trip, you will most likely return home to find a hungry cat, and the excuse your man gives is that he had completely forgotten. A passive aggressive husband is a very heavy load to bear if you don't know how to handle him well.

The most significant characteristics of a passive aggressive husband are these:

• Talking nonsense.

Your husband may talk nonsense, often confusing you on purpose or giving you an unclear explanation. This can lead to you having a feeling of insecurity. This is simply a way of his to make other people feel insecure, so he can believe he has superiority.

• Being forgetful.

Your passive aggressive husband is forgetful about the matters that are supposed to be his responsibility, like collecting the children from school or paying the utility bills. These bursts of being forgetful may make you mad if you are not aware of the psychological problems of your husband.

• Insecurity.

Your husband may have a big fear of competition, being dependent on anyone, and of having intimacy with anyone. These fears have a root in the initial fear he has of possibly being hurt. He does not have the capability to trust people, even you, and that may damage your confidence as well.

• Causing chaos.

Your husband may seem to create chaos at any time or location. For example, to take control over the situation, your passive aggressive husband might turn a relaxed environment upside down.

• Excuses for everything.

Your husband will concoct reasons to get himself out of his obligations.

• Placing blame.

Your husband will put the blame on other people for his own errors, refusing to accept any blame himself. By educating yourself about this behavioral defect, you might be able to deal with your passive aggressive husband more ably.

To find out more about how to get male attention, click Understand Men. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.

Janice Evans is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

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Save Your Marriage From The Workplace Problems

Is Work Ruining Your Marriage? Learn How To Save Your Marriage Today!

Currently, less than half of married couples have one spouse stay at home to look after children, clean, or cook. It is so expensive to live, both are forced to work in some cases. Others just would rather be working. But the point is that now we have both partners working full time, handling different amounts of stress, dealing with co workers, bosses, customers etc. And then they have to come home and do all of the household chores. Which creates stress and tension at home. Even though this definitely doesn't help the situation, it actually isn't the reason why most marriages end in divorce because of work related issues.

The reason why most marriages end or get into trouble with work related issues is not checking yourself at the door. As I like to call it. Doing this can help save your marriage from disaster! With the negative emotions that happen at work, whatever the cause, couples bring that home with them and into their house. They may take out their anger on their spouse, not care about the cleanliness of the house, or totally ignore the other person.

Steps For Saving Your Marriage

Before you walk in the door, you need to rid yourself of those emotions that followed you home from work. It is OK to talk about what is happening with your spouse, but do not take out any frustrations on them just because of work. Yes it is easier said than done, to fully drop all emotions that you may be feeling, but it is possible. The first step is to realize that you may be in a foul mood, and you are carrying negative energy around. This is key. If you do not realize it, then you will have no control over what happens with it next. While on the other hand, if you realize it before you walk in the door, you can have a plan set up to take care of it. Some people like to talk about it with a friend, or spouse. Venting allows a release of all the feelings, emotions and energy they don't want to carry anymore. It frees them in some way. This is usually a very good idea to try. Others may just do a hobby or craft that allows them to escape, whether it's walking, knitting, watching TV or video games. Doing something besides thinking about the problems at work will help.

So the main thing is to realize what mood you are in, and then deal with it, in whatever way you think is necessary for that particular situation. Doing this can prevent unwanted arguments and fights. And you will be well on your way to saving your marriage from divorce!

If you enjoyed this article about saving your marriage then you may want to check out my site that has many more helpful articles and resources that can allow you to learn how to save a marriage and avoid common mistakes. Taking time to learn why your marriage is in trouble is one of the best ways to save a marriage, as it has a high success rate!

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How Did Things Go So Wrong?

They're sitting across from me in my office - another young couple who have been married only two or three years, now wondering how and why it all seems to be falling apart. They were once so hopelessly in love - they could hardly bear to be apart from each other during the day, when they were at work. Everyone - friends, family, even strangers, looked at them and saw the "perfect couple."

And they certainly looked perfect. In fact, it was as if I were looking at Ken and Barbie come to life. But they were miserable, questioning if their marriage was a horrible mistake, and wondering if there was any hope of saving what had once seemed like their ideal destiny. How did things go so wrong?

When people fall in love (and older couples are not immune to this), scientists have identified a biochemical change that takes place. They are literally "high" on the chemistry of being in love. This experience is well documented - by poets, songwriters, and also by clinical scientific researchers. The problem is that this chemical change is temporary, lasting on average about 18 months. After that, the body settles back down into its normal balance, or homeostasis. It simply can't maintain that chemical rush over the long run.

So what happens then? Well, for many, they end up in my (or another therapist's) office. Inevitably, it becomes clear that while they were caught up in all the feel good joys of being in love, they neglected to look at the more mundane day in and day out, issues of living life, that sooner or later must be addressed.

These issues can be as simple as one being a morning person and the other not, or one being very concerned about healthy diet and the other, a junk food junkie. Sometimes, people believe that marriage is a miraculous cure for bad behavior. It's amazing how many think their partner will be more polite, drink less, pitch in more to help out, etc. after the marriage vows!

Why would anyone arrive at such a conclusion? Marriage is not a magic wand! Marriage also does not cause one to suddenly be more careful about how they spend money, or now agree totally with your religious, political, investment, decorating, or any other viewpoints or opinions, or become more interested in sex, love your family as much as they love their own, or.... you name it. I could go on and on.

If there is a single piece of wisdom I would tell people who are considering marriage, it is this: when a couple is dating, they are usually on their best behavior, because they are trying to impress and attract. If there are behaviors, differences, idiosyncrasies, or annoyances that concern you before you get married, you can be sure they will bother you more after!

Imagine all these characteristics a few years from now, after the chemical high is long gone, there are difficulties with his or her parents, you've just found out your job is being eliminated, the babysitter's sick, and your partner has put on 30 pounds since the wedding!

Is it hopeless? Of course not. Marriage is a wonderful institution, and there are many happy ones. But about half end in divorce, and of the other half, many are unhappy. As with so many things in life, it's important to be able to see the forest for the trees. It's pretty hard to do that when the forest is soaked with the dew of that chemical high.

Therefore, before saying your "I Do's," talk with an independent third party - a therapist or clergy person - who can help you see beyond the chemical haze and look at the practical day to day issues you are likely to face in your lives together. This "due diligence" is the best way I know to assure you're prepared for a very long and happy life together.

Lee Bowers is a Licensed Psychologist and Director of Suburban Psychological Services, Inc. in Villanova. She has been in practice for over fifteen years. Her doctorate is in Health Psychology and she is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Specialties, and board certified as a Medical Psychologist. Her original training was in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Ericsonian Hypnosis.

In recent years, Lee has become more transpersonal and esoteric in her approach to psychotherapy, believing that for one to be whole, the body, mind, and spirit must be integrated. Deep (soul or Karmic) level meanings of client's problems can be explored if the client wishes, and together, client and therapist work towards a resolution that will be satisfactory to both the intellect and the spirit.

Dr. Bowers is a Reiki Master, a Master Practitioner of Transpersonal Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and a Master Hypnotherapist. She is a student, initiate, and teacher of the ancient Hawaiian psychospiritual practice of Huna, and incorporates Huna and other Shamanistic practices, energy (Chakra) balancing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Applied Kinesiology, Aromatherapy, and Flower Essences.

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Has the Current Poor Economy Negatively Impacted Marriages?

As a practicing licensed psychologist, I spent hundreds of hours with couples in marriage counseling. There are several major issues in a relationship that become problematic and are creating discontent for one or both the spouses. What are they?

(1) Social Life/Free Time (the amount and quality of time spent at home together, out of the home; type of leisure activities; number of common interests, time spent with friends.)

(2) Roles/Division of Duties (who makes the most sacrifices for the other; division of household duties; division of childcare duties)

(3) Communication (your partner's ability to express his/her wishes; your partner's tone of voice; the extent you feel understood; ease in admitting that you're wrong; ability to compromise)

(4) Child Rearing (agreement on the number of children; who has the most child-discipline duties; agreement on values to teach the children; when and how to punish or praise the children)

(5) Sex (how often you have sex and who initiates sexual contact; variety of sexual techniques; amount of pleasure from sex; you and your partner's attitude toward sex; type of birth control used)

(6) Life Values (how compatible your religious and political views are; the respect shown for individuality of family members; activities that include all members of the family unit)

(7) Finances (how the couple shares responsibility in earning and how they share the earned money; the amount of earned money; the amount of money saved; how the money is spent; the value the partners place on money)

The simple and obvious answer to the article title is "yes." What I observed, when there is financial issues, it filters down and disturbs other important aspects of marriage. Arguments over money prevail, children often become the target of misdirected anger, sleep disruption, loss of appetite or over-eating occurs, increase use of alcohol, spousal abuse, and loss of libido(sexual desire), all may go with financial worries.

What to do? While counseling is indicated, monies may not be available. If not, speak to someone outside the family unit, who may be able to help. If clinical depression is found in one or both of the spouses, consider going to the community mental health services, where fees are not an issue.

Reach out to community services, churches, federal, state or local programs; usually the family can find help.

Dr. Morella is a retired academician and licensed psychologist. He provided psychological services to the public, working with children, teens and adults. Upon his retirement he conducted state-wide workshops for mental health agencies on a variety of topics, and worked as an adjunct professor. In addition, he has published two books, "A Guide for Effective Psychotherapy," 2006, Helm Publishing, (a consumer's guide for understanding the complexities of mental health counseling) and "Give Teens a Break!", 2010, Millennial Mind Publishing, an Imprint of American Book Publishing (a positive look at teens and parenting guide). You may view his credentials and order his books on his website:

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Is Your Husband Emotionally Cheating on You?

Is your marriage going down the drain because your husband is emotionally cheating on you? Is your marriage less than perfect because of it and are you always in tears nowadays because you don't know what to do? Don't worry. A lot of wives are going through the same thing. The good news is that you can find ways on how to deal with a husband who is emotionally cheating here.

So, why do husbands cheat on an emotional level to begin with? Well, one reason why they might do this is because of the sudden lack of intimacy in their own marriages. Various factors might be blamed for this and if those factors are left unaddressed or unchecked, they could lead to the husband emotionally cheating on his wife.

So, is emotionally cheating just as bad as physical cheating?

Well, if your husband is emotionally involved with somebody else, that could definitely lead to a disaster the same way a physical affair would. In fact, when men look for contentment in another woman's arms in any way, that could be the first step to a divorce.

You may think there's nothing wrong with your husband seeking emotional contentment from a female friend as long as they aren't having sex, but the truth is that emotional flings can easily lead to something physical in the future. In fact, this is how most cases of infidelity start. After all, people need to share their feelings before they can get comfortable enough with each other to get into bed, right?

If you are think your husband is emotionally involved with someone else, then there are several things you will have to do if you want to save your marriage.

First of all: don't panic. Don't get all up in his face and freak out about it, either. Instead, try to put more effort into your marriage yourself.

One reason why your husband might stray is because you have both grown apart emotionally. He might wake up one day and wonder whatever happened to the woman he first married. He might crave the sensual moments that you used to have, too, but might just be too scared to bring it up.

So, try to bring things back to the way things were when you were still in your first relationship phases. Do you remember how much you enjoyed doing things together in those early stages? If your husband doesn't like the same things he used to like anymore, though, then why not try something entirely new? Why not start a hobby together or spend some time away from the kids for a change, if you have any?

Now, if you haven't actually spent a lot of time together in a while, you need to know that this could be a little awkward for him and he might wonder what has gotten into you. If he asks you about it, though, be completely honest. Tell him that you miss all of those things and that you want to start spending more time together like you used to.

Remember: being more physically attached to your husband will give your marriage better chances of surviving things rough patch. Basically, the most important thing you have to focus on if your husband is emotionally cheating on you is to do things together - and have fun while you're at it!

To find out more about how to get male attention, click Understand Men. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.

Carol Reece is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

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Why Do Married Women Flirt With Other Men? Understanding Your Wife's Behavior

Why do married women flirt with other men? You're asking that question from the perspective of a man married to one such woman, yes? Your wife is a flirt and she's not afraid to show it. Maybe you tell her that it bothers you or perhaps you keep that to yourself for fear of starting an argument you're not certain you can win. Regardless, you're not happy about the fact that your wife seems incredibly comfortable flirting with any attractive man she sees. Is this a sign that something is amiss in your marriage? Does it mean that your wife is on the brink of leaving you or is it just harmless fun? Understanding your wife's motivations will help you gain clarity and will also give you the insight you need to make this problem disappear if it's truly bothering you.

Many married women flirt without fully realizing that's what they're doing. That sounds suspiciously like an excuse, doesn't it? It's not. Women, as a whole, tend to be a compassionate and friendly bunch. What one woman may perceive as just kindness can easily be misinterpreted by her husband or another man as flirting. Take for instance when a woman compliments a man on his suit. To her she's just sharing the knowledge that she truly admires his fashion sense, but to him it may come across as a personal compliment that is meant to grab his attention. If your wife hands out compliments to other men fairly easily consider the idea that she may just be genuinely kind and may not be aware of the other message that she's sending.

Marriage can become stale. For a woman who feels under-appreciated by her husband the thrill of flirting with another man can make her feel desired and accepted. If she doesn't get the attention she wants within the confines of her own marriage, she may go looking outside for validation. This is often the case when a woman takes her martial dissatisfaction online and flirts with other men. If your wife seems giddy after being on the computer, chances are very good that somewhere there's a man who has the same grin on his face because your wife has made him feel cherished and special. Obviously, the flirting can also occur in person so keep your eyes out for any man who seems to be paying a bit too much attention to your wife.

Self esteem issues can happen regardless of a woman's age or the length of time she's been in a committed relationship. If your wife's body image isn't pleasing to her, flirting may be a way of covering that up. A woman's self worth can take a hit if she gains a few pounds or if she feels that her husband is always looking at other women. A wife in this position will sometimes look to other men as a way of showing herself that she's still worth pursuing. You can typically tell if this is the reason behind your wife's love of flirting if she's constantly questioning you about whether you love her or still find her attractive.

Of course, there's always the possibility that your wife is just a natural born flirt. If she is, you're already well aware of this because you probably were the focus of her flirting at some point in the past. She may just enjoy the thrill of putting a smile on a man's face with a few harmless words to boost his ego. If she's open and honest about it, count yourself fortunate. You need to start worrying if her flirting antics are taking place behind closed doors or beyond your line of sight.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your wife to feel even more distant from you. You can make your wife fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your wife is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make her fall hopelessly in love with you.

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Wedding Mayhem - How to Get Through It With Some Sanity Left

Weddings are one of the most important days in someone's life. But if you don't keep your head things can get crazy real fast. Speaking from first hand experience that can happen before you know it. There's so much to do and not everyone is actually there to help, especially if you us an outside person whom you really don't know very well. They might only be out for their own interest and not necessarily yours. If you are going to get a wedding planner or outside vendors to help the best place to start is asking advice from people you know that have gotten married already. They are the best source for information and probably the most reliable.

The very first thing you need to decide is how much you can afford to spend on a wedding. A few questions you may need to ask yourself to decide this is what type of wedding do we want and whether to plan it ourselves or to get a wedding planner or other vendors to help. If you ask some of your friends or family members about things you could get some pretty good advice and assistance if you want it. Then decide who is paying for it. Despite what tradition says a majority of couples are paying for their own wedding even if it's the first wedding. And if it's not your first wedding it's still ok for others to help if they want to. Your budget is the number one key to how big or small the wedding can be and vice versa if you want a big wedding you might have to wait a little longer for more funds to be available.

Also get your fiancé' involved, sometimes they have pretty good ideas and you don't want to alienate him/her. It is good to get together and discuss what the other half of the wedding might want in a ceremony especially if each of you are of different religions or beliefs. That could also have a big bearing on a lot of things from budget to when and where. I know a lot of guys probably don't want to have much input so just get the basics especially regarding religion. That way you can at least try to incorporate some of his beliefs into the whole thing some where.

The best advice to remember is to just breath and take your time don't jump into things all scatter brained. The wedding industry is designed to keep you on edge so they can get the most out of you and before you know it nothing is what you really wanted. So take your time ask a lot of questions and don't let no one push you into an instant decision.

This will be one of the most important day of your lives as a married couple. Take your time and just think of what each other might want and don't worry about anyone else's wants.


Minneapolis Wedding Blog bringing together recently engaged, recently married and wedding vendors together in one place.

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We've Been Separated But Now My Husband Wants To Come Home - How Should I Respond?

I sometimes hear from wives who aren't sure what to do when their separated husband announces that he is now ready to come home. Some wives are overjoyed at this news and some are not sure how they feel. Many have feelings that change from one day to the next. On the one hand, they do want their husband to come home and work on or save their marriage. But on the other, they worry if anything has really changed so that saving the marriage is actually going to be possible.

I heard from a wife who said: "when my husband approached me about a separation, I fought him hard on it. I wanted to go to counseling and save our marriage and I didn't understand why he had to move out for all of these things to happen. But he moved out anyway. And this was devastating for me. But I have coped and I'm doing OK. We never did counseling and not a lot has changed. But when we saw each other during the separation, it was clear that we missed each other and that there was still some love there. Then last week, out of the blue, he called me and told me that he was ready to come home. I asked why he made this decision and his answer was 'it's time.' I'm very conflicted about this. On the one hand, I want my husband home. But on the other hand, we haven't changed or addressed anything. Nothing has changed. And I worry that he is only coming home because he's lonely or bored. Plus I'm a little resentful that I begged him not to go in the first place and here he is getting to make all the decisions and dictate how things are going to go once again. I feel as if I am at the mercy of his decisions. He wanted to move out and I had no choice to go along. And now he wants to move back and I'm just supposed to roll it. What now? I am just unsure as to what happens when he comes home and how I'm supposed to react."

I understood how the wife felt. She wondered if she was just getting pulled around by the whims of her husband. And she wondered if their marriage even stood a chance when nothing had really changed. She didn't know what type of outcome to expect. She wanted to have a good attitude, but she didn't want to get her hopes up only to have them slashed when her husband's next move was a divorce because he could then say that he came home and tried to make it work but was unsuccessful. The thing is, the wife had no way to know what was actually going to happen. She was assuming that she was going to have a difficult road or a bad result, but who was to say that was true? Many marriages recover quite well when a spouse moves back after a separation. Below, I will offer some tips to help make the transition a little easier and the outcome a little better.

If You're Not Sure How You're Supposed To React Or How You Really Feel About Him Coming Home After The Separation, Make It Clear That You Want To Move Slowly: The wife feared that the husband expected her to fall back into his arms and act as if the separation never happened. She wasn't sure if this was realistic or even fair.

Nothing said that she could not gently set boundaries. And I always feel that it's best to share your feelings rather than allowing them to fester or potentially become a problem. She might tell her husband that although she was very happy that he wanted to come home, she was afraid that they were going to struggle if they didn't set get some help or ease into the new living arrangements. She might suggest that they set an upcoming date for him to move home and ask that they get some counseling prior to that date. That way, she would feel more secure in hoping for the outcome that she really wanted - which was to save her marriage. And, she could get her feelings and her fears out on the table so that they wouldn't come back to bite, haunt, or damage their marriage in the future.

Know That Your Husband Coming Back After The Separation Truly Can Be A New Beginning: I think that this wife had built a wall around herself to keep herself from becoming hurt again. She had become so devastated when her husband moved out. And, she wanted to avoid repeating the pain, so she refused to have any faith in the outcome. The problem with this is that in order to truly save your marriage after a separation, it helps greatly for both of you to work equally as hard and to hold nothing back. When you place a wall around yourself so that you don't get hurt, you run the risk of that same wall keeping you from feeling the love that you really want. This isn't the best way to start the recovery process.

I know that it's scary to go all in. But it's the only way to know that you gave it your all. Not only does this give you the best chance of a happy and lasting marriage after the separation, but it gives you the peace of mind to know that if you just can't make it, that you did every thing you could and that you can have full closure. Besides, let's not go to dark places. There is every chance that your husband has done some soul searching and is 100 percent sincere. Get the help that you need, follow your heart, and expect nothing but the very best.

When my husband moved back in after our separation, I was elated. But I also knew that we had to find some resources to help us if we were going to make it for the long term and have a happy marriage. And this is what I did. Eventually, my husband got with the program. If it helps you can read that very emotional story on my blog at

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Tips For Coping With A Trial Separation

I often hear from people who are getting ready to start a trial separation. Most of the people who contact me never wanted the separation in the first place. Usually, they are just trying to comply with their spouse's wishes. Sometimes, their spouse has made it clear that a separation is going to happen whether they like it or not, but rather than getting a divorce, it's usually suggested that a trial separation might be the better route. And while a trial separation does allow you to continue to hold onto your marriage and still a chance to save it, living through a trial separation can be really difficult.
I recently heard from a wife who said: "my husband had been pushing for a trial separation for several months. Finally, he pretty much told me that if I wouldn't agree to the separation, he was going to go ahead and file for a divorce. So I felt as if I really had no choice but to comply. But the separation has been just awful. I miss my husband so much. And I had hoped that being away from me would make him miss and appreciate me, but it hasn't appeared to work that way. He's just as distant and cold as he has been all along. When I ask him how he's feeling and what he's thinking, he doesn't want to talk about it. Apparently, I'm just supposed to go along with the trial separation and not ask any questions or make any demands. It's as if I'm just supposed to take what he gives me. I don't know how I'm going to survive this. Every day is a huge challenge and I just feel more and more hopeless all of the time. How am I going to get through this?"
I know from my own experiences that you are going through a very difficult time, but you can and will get through this. In the following article, I will offer some tips for successfully surviving and getting through the trial separation in a way that hopefully leaves your sanity and your marriage in tact.
Define And Understand The Goals And The Boundaries Before The Awkwardness Sets In: It can be very beneficial if you can set it up so that you both have an understanding as to how the trial separation is going to work. How often are you going to contact and see each other? Who is going to take the initiative to contact who? What are you trying to evaluate or decide while separated? What needs to happen or occur for the marriage to be saved? Of course, it may not possible to answer all of these questions. And your spouse may not even be willing to define everything. But, it is always better to try to reach an understanding early in the process before things get awkward or misunderstandings or hurt feelings occur.
Try To Make The Time Apart Help The Situation Rather Than Making It Worse: I know that if you are reading this article, you likely miss your spouse very much and this separation is almost like a form of torture for you. But, if your spouse has asked for a separation or space, then this is very indicative that some time apart might actually be an opportunity for your marriage rather than a curse. Because if your spouse felt strongly enough about the situation to ask for a break, then it's pretty likely that he felt that things were bad enough and unlikely enough to change that he felt that action was necessary.
The separation can be the break that can give you both the perspective that you need to save the marriage. Many spouses end up missing each other and realizing that they really do want to salvage the marriage. But this is less likely if you work against the process rather than with it. Resist the urge to call, text, or demand too much from your spouse. Give them the time and space that they've asked for and there's a chance that this will work to your advantage.
If It's Hard For You To Accept The Distance, Consider Doing Something To Make Over Reaching Very Difficult For You: During my separation, it was nearly impossible for me to give my husband the space he wanted and apparently needed. I always wanted to call, go by, or reach out to him. But every time I tried to do this, it was obvious that he was not receptive and was getting frustrated with me always being around. I understood that I needed to back off but I just couldn't seem to.
I knew that I needed support from family and friends and I also knew that if I was in vicinity of my husband, I could not resist making a pest of myself. So I went back home to see my extended family (which was hundreds of miles away.) This was hard at first but it forced me to back off a little bit and it meant that I was with and supported by people who loved and supported me. This eventually improved my attitude and outlook and little by little, this helped to improve things with my husband, who became interested again when I wasn't so accessible.
I know that the trial separation is difficult. But try very hard to allow it to make him miss and want you rather than making him think that he must divorce you to finally get the space he wants. Even if you don't feel confident, try to project confidence and a belief that the separation won't last forever and when it is over, it will reveal two people who still love and are committed to one another.
The time period when I was separated from my husband was among the most challenging in my life. But the tighter I clung, the more difficult it was. It wasn't until I forced myself to back up that things improved. If it helps you can read the very personal story of how I saved my marriage on my blog at

What Are the Most Common Marriage Problems? Common Issues in a Marriage

What are some of the most common problems that marriages face today? How do you solve common marriage problems? Are there any common marriage problems that seem insurmountable?
It is no secret that most marriages are going to face issues every now and then. No marriage is perfect and there are going to some peaks and valleys. While you may believe that you are the only one to face a certain problem, chances are that thousands have dealt with the exact same issue. Here is a look at some of the most common marriage problems.
An Affair
The most common marriage problem is infidelity. Most of the time this will lead to divorce because the trust and even the respect in the marriage has been forever damaged. It can be overcome, but it will take a lot of hard work and time in order for the marriage to go back to the way that it once was.
Lack of Communication
Communication is the key to any successful marriage. When the open lines of communication begin to break down, the marriage typically will as well. This is usually a problem as the couple becomes busier with family and with work. It is important to sit down and talk with each other about issues as they come up. Ignoring a problem is only going to lead to more problems down the road.
Spending Time Apart
Another common marriage problem stems from spending too much time apart. When you were first married, you probably did everything together. However, both kids and a career can lead to your marriage coming in second. However, this is one problem that can be easily fixed. Try to hire a babysitter at least one night a week where you can spend time with just the two of you. This is a great way to reconnect and really find out what is going on in your spouse's life.
As you grow up, you may find that you and your spouse are beginning to grow apart. This can sometimes bring issues into a marriage as you seem to have less in common with each other than what you did in the past. A good way to reconnect with your spouse is to find a hobby that both of you enjoy. Be sure to take your time and find something that you really do like so you won't drop it at a later time. This is a great way to spend some time with each other and get the old spark back into your marriage.
No More Romance
When you and your husband first got together, chances are that you couldn't take your hands off of each other. Now, however, the marriage is a few years old and the old flame has begun to die out a little bit. Marriage requires work and in order to get that flame back, you will have to rededicate yourself to your relationship. Bring the thrill back into your marriage by taking a romantic vacation with just the two of you. In addition, be sure to go out on a date or put on some soft music and stay at home.
To find out more about how to get male attention, click Understand Men. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.
Janice Evans is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

What to Do If Your Husband Doesn't Help at Home

Every woman has one in her life. As much as we wish it was a full-time maid, that's not it. We all have at least one friend who has the ideal husband. You know the type. He's the man who whips up a healthy breakfast for his wife each morning, does the dishes, works all day and then comes home to cook dinner, do the laundry, wash floors and take care of the children. You hear all about her perfectly, wonderful life while you're toiling over a hot stove with your children running circles around you complaining that they're bored or they need help with homework. How is it that the universe gave some women husbands who seem more than willing to tackle any household chore, yet some of us can't get our husbands to make a piece of toast if his life depended on it? It really has little to do with fate at all. Every husband has the potential to be helpful, attentive and supportive. It's up to us to learn how to draw those qualities out in him so he becomes a partner who not only wants to help at home, he's eager to do as much as he can.

If you're wondering what to do if your husband doesn't help at home there are a few ideas that you need to consider:

Talk to him about it. One major mistake that women make when they want something from their husbands is they wait for him to read their minds. Ladies, men just aren't that insightful when it comes to knowing what we want. You'll get far better results if you walk right up to your husband, and directly tell him what you need help with. Granted, you must not bark orders at him because he'll retreat into himself and nothing will get accomplished. Plan a quiet conversation with him where you'll detail all the things you wish he could help you with. Be kind and don't get too emotional. Men truly appreciate when a woman is able to communicate with them in a way that doesn't involve tears or too much emotion.

Give him more opportunity. Sometimes taking a detour to get to your destination is the best route to take. Such is the case when you're trying to get your husband to help you more at home. If you've already asked him to lend a hand and he hasn't yet stepped up to the plate you can give him a little push in the right direction. If you two have children, now may be the perfect time for you to escape for a weekend away with some of your girlfriends. If you can't afford a full weekend because of monetary or time constraints, make yourself busy at least one night a week. If your husband is forced into the role of full time caregiver and housekeeper for even a few hours one evening or a Saturday afternoon, he'll soon have a much better appreciation for everything you do. The bonus is that you get to have more time to yourself.

Leave some chores specifically for him. This suggestion is often the most challenging for reasons which will become very obvious momentarily. If your husband has chores that he's supposed to be responsible for yet you often pick up his slack, stop today. It doesn't matter if it's mowing the lawn or taking out the trash, if it's on his to-do list, it needs to be done by him. Obviously once the trash starts piling up, he'll have no choice but to attend to it. The same is true if he's told you he'll take care of his own laundry. Don't do it. Leave it for him to do when he decides he has time. Although this is certainly extreme and can become unpleasant, depending on what chores your husband has yet to do, it does get results.

Don't keep it to yourself if your husband doesn't help at home and you want him to. You need to change his behavior and attitude so you two reach a point where you no longer have to chase after him nagging him to help. He'll transform into one of those husbands other women dream of.

Are you tired of living in a relationship in which you feel neglected? Many married women find themselves feeling alone and rejected by their husbands. If you feel taken for granted, there's a way to change that now.

To learn more about how to transform your marriage so your husband loves and adores you more than he ever has before, visit this helpful site.


Wife Not Sleeping Well? Your Marriage Could Be At Risk

If you're in a relationship and your wife has problems sleeping, your marriage could be at risk according to the results of a brand new study.

The same study found that a man's inability to fall asleep at night does not have the same effect, but if the female half of the relationship has problems sleeping there follows more 'negative interactions' with their partner the following day, and fewer positive ones. But the husbands' sleep had no effect on the quality of the marriage.

Dr Wendy Troxel, one of the researchers involved in the new study, said "We found that wive's sleep problems affect her own and her spouses marital functioning the following day, and these effects were independent of depressive symptoms.

"Specifically, wives who took longer to fall asleep the night before reported poorer marital functioning the next day, and so did their husbands."

The study helped prove the relationship between nightly sleep and the next day's marital interactions to be stronger than the association between daily marital interactions and subsequent sleep. Now that scientists understand the workings of the subconscious mind, we now understand that minor 'niggles' and irritations are stored deep down in the subconscious mind and each irritation acts a single piece of a large jigsaw puzzle, waiting silently until all the pieces are collected to make the complete picture.

Most people do not complete the full picture, and the marriage stays intact. However, the subconscious mind also can be responsible for silently triggering the start of a break up, such as when a partner's irritating habit or behaviour silently triggers a defensive mechanism in the other partners mind. Secret, hidden memories such as bullying, pure hatred for another person, or simply a behaviour, attitude or action of another, can be triggered by an unconscious recognition in one partner's mind, associating that particular attitude to a subconsciously hated, and forgotten, individual.

The affected partner starts to distance themselves and grow apart from the other, without realising either what's happening, the recognition of their behaviour, or the subconsciously hidden association with a long forgotten person or behaviour. It is a known fact, of course, that a lack of sleep can result in adverse physical and mental attitudes and behaviour, only now are we becoming aware that our subconscious mind is also irritated by a lack of sleep, and is equally capable of wrecking lives and relationships as much as the conscious mind..

Strangely enough though, the experiment reported from husbands more positive interactions from wives were often followed by them getting less sleep the next night. The researchers cannot establish the reason for this.

The experiment involved 32 couples with an average age of 32, who were free of medical disorders including sleep and psychiatric cases. The study involved recording the amount of time they took to get to sleep and the number of times they woke in the night for a period of ten nights.

Each day, wives were then asked to report positive emotions such as feeling supported or valued by their spouse, or, otherwise, negative reactions including criticism or feeling ignored.

Dr Troxell, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, America, found in the previous study that the presence of a husband and partner meant women slept better.

Come and join one of the most powerful blogs in existence, Success Secrets. It's everything to do with those deep rooted Psychological Secrets no one talks about - discover secrets about why people behave the way they do - and gradually, you'll learn how to read people as well. Brilliant articles, constantly updated, and comments welcome. I'll see you there!


What Marriage And Divorce Can Do For Your Weight

Emotionally and mentally, marriage can have positive effects on an individual. If one is inspired and is free from stress, for instance, he or she can reap the great benefits marriage can bring.

Having a happy and stress free disposition can make one contented and inspired to do his chores at home or tasks in his place of work. It can boost one's confidence and lead him or her to do well in whatever his tasks may be.

But this does not happen all the time because as we all know, trials occur along the way which can lead to conflicts and other problems. When challenges exist, couples tend to become tensed and may even experience an emotional roller coaster.

Apart from the emotional and mental effects, though, did you know that marriage as well as divorce can also impact an individual's physical being? A new research conducted by a team from the Ohio State University has shown that marriage and divorce can affect a person's weight. But there's a difference on how the weight is affected in men and women.

It has been found that women often gain weight after their wedding. Men, on the other hand, tend to increase their weight after a divorce. This applies to couples aged 30 and above regardless whether they're married or divorce.

The authors of the study pointed out that the weight gain in their research among married and divorced people should not be ignored. They added that if this condition continues and the persons concerned don't take action to control their weight, they could face health risks moving forward.

The research team also pointed out the reason married women gain weight can be attributed to the fact that they are often preoccupied with their household chores or their work. As such, many of them no longer have time to do some exercise to stay in shape compared to the unmarried women.

Men, on the one hand, were found to stay fit while married but tend to gain weight when divorced. After a divorce, there are men who tend to ignore themselves and keep on eating whatever they like. This then leads to weight gain.

What the research points out is that people are likely to gain weight when they experience changes in their personal status such as getting married or divorced. The team from the Ohio State University surveyed some 10,000 people to find out the effects of marriage or divorce on an individual's weight. They also took into account the other factors such as pregnancy, education, socio-economic status and poverty.

Previous research has also shown the same effects on the weight of married people. The Journal of Obesity Research in 1999 found that those who got married developed the same eating habits as their partner that led to weight gain. The study that covered 376 pairs showed that spouses became very much alike after living together as married couples over time. Often when one of the spouses eat more than the other, chances are the other one will develop the same eating habit.

For helpful tips and information on marriage and family, visit


What If My Husband Can't Forgive Me Anymore?

I sometimes hear from wives who fully realize and admit that their failing marriage is mostly their fault. Many are fully aware that they have made grave mistakes and that their husband is justified in wanting to separate or end their marriage. But this doesn't mean that they want to give up.

I recently heard from a wife who said: "I've made so many mistakes in my marriage. I had an affair. I have lied to my husband.. I've got us into credit card debt. I've lost jobs and worked sporadically. I haven't been the best wife. Of course, now that my husband is fed up with me and wanting a divorce, I can see very clearly where I went wrong. I am very sincere in wanting to change. I'm very determined to be a good wife if he would just give me the chance. But when I tell him this, he says he just doesn't have it in him to forgive me anymore. He says I've just made too many mistakes and that he just doesn't trust or believe in me because I have damaged our marriage too much. In my heart, I know that I deserve this, but I also know that I would change and could absolutely make him happy if he would give me the chance. What should I do?"

I can't offer any guarantees. The decision in this situation was the husbands to make. However, I don't think that this situation is hopeless either. I have seen these types of scenarios turn around more than once. But I think there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it, which I will discuss below.

Make Your Number Priority Your Husband's Needs Instead Of Your Need For Him To Forgive You: I know that right about now, it feels as if your first priority is to somehow get your husband to forgive you one last time. But if you place your focus here, your husband is likely to think that, once again, you are making it all about you and you are asking for more than you yourself are willing to give. He may well think that it's too little too late, especially if, once again, your focus in on what he can do for you.

In my experience and observation, you will have more success if you make your husband the focus instead of yourself. What can you do him? What can you do to show him that you understand what he wants and needs? Consider backing off of the pressure that you are placing on him to forgive you and focus instead on just being there for him and just improving whatever relationship he will allow you to have with him. If he's focused on friendship or just being cordial, accept that for now. Be grateful for what he gives you and don't appear greedy or insensitive by asking for more. It should be clear that your focus and concern is him rather than yourself.

Proving Yourself As Someone Who Is Worthy Of More Forgiveness: You should also be aware that one additional challenge you face is your husband's suspicion that anything you do or say is only meant to get him to forgive you. So if you are promising your husband change, understand that he is likely to have his doubts.

One way to over come these doubts is to just show up and continue to do exactly what you have promised. Be unwavering in your dedication to show (rather than tell) him the ways in which you have changed. Don't give him empty promises and meaningless words. Really give him the opportunity to witness the improvements that you have made first hand. Keep going this until he sincerely believes you.

It's OK if this takes some time. Your husband is worth the effort. And, at the end of the day, you want him to not only forgive you, but what you really want is a healthy and happy marriage that lasts well beyond the issues that you are having today. So anything that you are doing is paving the way for your marriage tomorrow. Don't take the short, easy, and insincere road. Look at your long term goals and conduct yourself in a way that you can be proud of. Your husband will be more likely to believe in your sincerity if you continue to do this. As such, he will also be more likely to believe that you deserve forgiveness and will be comfortable in offering the same eventually.

I have to admit that there were times when I was selfish in my marriage and my husband responded accordingly with wanting a separation. At first, my focus was on getting him to forgive me. But this backfired. He was tired of me wanting him to do things for me. Once I placed the focus on him, things changed for the better. If it helps, you can read the entire story on my blog at


You Are Not Your Parents: How to Save a Marriage

The elusive perfect marriage - often sought after, but rarely achieved - many people uphold this image in their minds of what marriage is supposed to look like. We humans are smarter now, thankfully. Thanks to advancements in both the medical and psychiatric fields, it's okay to admit that we are not perfect. As such, perfect and marriage no longer need to be in the same sentence. Up until about twenty years ago, when things were far from perfect in a marriage, couples did one of two things: One either suffered in silence or if things were really unbearable, they divorced. But today ways to save a marriage that is otherwise toxic is easier than ever.

What Causes Suffering and Can End in Divorce?

Looking back to your parents' or your grandparents' marriage, things weren't perfect, were they? Dysfunction is hardly anything new. As long as alcohol has been a part of our lives, people have consumed it, sometimes to excess. This is just one example of things that could and have frequently plagued otherwise "perfect" marriages. However, the difference between then and now is that rather than one wishing the other would improve, today ways to save a marriage are routinely implemented. Suffering no longer needs to be a part of a spouse's vernacular. Myriad options are available to couples going through something and so literally anyone can take steps to declaring, "I'm working at saving my marriage," rather than falling further into despair or consider divorce.

What Are Some of the Ways to Save a Marriage?

Thanks to more awareness about everything - be it medical or psychiatric - seeking help for individual problems is easier than ever. The stigma attached to having mental illness continues to diminish as society evolves. When individuals get better, ways to save a marriage become more possible and pessimism can be replaced with optimism.

Whether one or the both of you needs counseling, it's worth a shot to consider it an option. Maybe, it turns out, that one of you is bipolar. Let's say it's your husband and he's been self medicating, unaware that there was a problem with his mental state. In your parents' generation, he would have continued drinking to quiet his mind. Today, because you are looking for ways to save a marriage - your marriage, seeking help can be the salvation you need.

Other ways to save a marriage can include taking a trip together. Sometimes rediscovery and time away without the kids and stresses of life can do wonders and can be a quick fix.

Believe it or not, sometimes taking a break from one another can be an option in how to save a marriage. Thinking back to one spouse having as yet unresolved issues, giving him or her time to heal, decompress and "get right" mentally can allow you both to reunite and can be one of the ways to save a marriage.

Maybe in learning about how to save a marriage, you learn some unrealized things about you. Although your goal might be saving my marriage, you may just discover things about yourself you never knew.

Take Things As They Come

Given that you are not your parents or your grandparents, suffering in silence no longer needs to be an option. Whatever your problems, most are not insurmountable. Give yourselves the time, patience and space you need to find ways to find what ails you. If you are one of the tons of people who walk around obsessed with the goal of "saving my marriage," don't be your parents. Get help and then you can impart your wisdom to others about ways to save a marriage.

More information can be found at You can find many ways that have worked for many people that have saved many marriages. Avoid the common mistakes and learn the right ways to learn how to save a marriage.


What Are the Secrets to Long Lasting Marriage Relations

Relationships are very essential to human existence. Each individual is made to co-exist. As the saying goes, "No man is an island." Relationships may be based on friendship, sex, love, trust or understanding. However, the grounds for having a relationship are more serious in wedded couples. There should be fidelity and confidence in your partner. A commitment wherein and your partner vowed to stay together and to love each other beyond forever.

Thinking about the secrets to a lasting relationship can be very complicated. You can summarize stuffs that can make up a perfect intimate relationship. You can read about how-to articles or read about real-life relationship stories in print and on the internet. There are even books and survival guides for young couples. Also, marriage counseling is available. These options are very entertaining to read on magazines and Lifestyle section in newspapers. Yet, you will never learn about authentic, bitter and sweet, blissful and boring moments of marriage unless you are already in one.

Secrets of an everlasting marriage have always been extensive. A marriage won't have to be worked on to make it work. On a married life, it can't always be candle-lit dinner for two and expensive anniversary presents. Marriage is about balancing family life, career and the children, of course. Married life is chaotic and full of unexpected twist and turns.

Here are the secrets you must know to have a lasting marriage:

You must always go back to the reason why got married.

Divorce, and in some countries annulment, can always be achieved easily. Getting married today can be done in as fast as a lightning. Getting out of it can also be done in just a blink of an eye. Relationships particularly marriage shouldn't be made that way. That's why the reason for having been married must always be inculcated in one's mind. Marriage may be based on friendship, love, or tradition.

Work out on your contrasting personalities and ideals.

The ability to work on your clashing thoughts and perceptions is a great challenge for couples. The truth is that you can't always agree on all things. Being able to compromise and give way is a better option.

Make your friendship stronger.

If your marriage is not based on friendship or boy-girl relationship, then you must begin to establish it now. Being able to be a friend to your partner makes lots of advantages.

Create an open communication.

Being open to your partner shun away misunderstandings and eventual fights. Open communication makes the couples comfortable with each other.

Give trust to gain trust.

Trust, the basis in every relationship, must be given wholly and heartily. Trust your partner first so that he/she can trust you.

With broken relationships on the rise, more people are asking, How to save my marriage? There are many resources and options available to those who want to know how to save marriage. First of all, both parties must be willing to compromise and negotiate with one another. Marriage counseling can also help couples to resolve their differences. Saving a marriage benefits not only the couple, but also their children, who otherwise might be caught in the middle of an unfortunate battle between their parents. Recall the commitment you once made to your spouse, and you will often be able to save your marriage.


To Save My Marriage - Priority Goal Number 1

Is it your goal to save your marriage?

Many couples today are faced with a failing marriage. Unfortunately, there are far too many people getting divorced everyday and it is becoming increasingly normal and accepted. Instead of taking steps to save your marriage, couples are looking to divorce as the "easy way out". They are inundated with problems and reasons compounding their thinking that divorce might be the answer to their problems. Thankfully, many couples think about the vows, the words and the promises that they made on their wedding day, and even though they feel that divorce may be the answer, they are open to looking for ways to enhance and save the marriage, realizing that their Marriage is Worth Saving.

Communication, honesty, respect and trust play enormous parts in everyday life and in helping you to realize why My Marriage is Worth Saving. This is a huge step in learning how to deal with the ever changing lives and priorities involved in managing a marriage. Learning to communicate with your partner will pave the way to solve many of your problems.

Involving a marriage counselor or coach is another step sometimes recommended to help solve the individual crisis that have presented themselves, causing problems within the marriage that could ultimately lead to divorce. A third party, with no preconceived opinions, can listen to the unresolved issues with an open mind and help supply the tools to get helpful, healthy solutions and help to improve the communication skills of the partners showing them that My Marriage is Worth Saving.

It is never too late to take a step back and re-think your position on your marriage and the importance thereof. Our egos and outside influences sometimes cause us to make decisions that we will regret at a later time. Marriage is too important and too life changing to walk away from for the wrong reasons. It has been proven that if a couple put as much energy and time in repairing the marriage as they put in dissolving it, more than 59% of the couples would live happily ever after. Your vows and commitments made on your wedding day specified through good and bad, you would spend the rest of your life together. Make a commitment today. Communicate, Listen, Understand feelings, Present your feelings, and mutually agree to grow in a forward direction, correcting the wrongs, realizing that, My Marriage is Worth Saving.

My name is Marisa Rae and I am a relationship expert. I have been involved with marriages for over 25 years.
In that time I have gained a huge amount of Knowledge about what does and doesn't make a marriage work. For Free Tips, visit, Avoid Divorce.
As a marriage enthusiast, it is my goal to provide all that I can to help save marriages, I would like to share my knowledge with you, free of charge. I have put together a FREE step-by-step mini course to help you get started quickly.
For more information, please visit My Marriage Is Worth Saving


You have lost this sense of love? Don't worry love is a choice not A Feeling

As a relationship coach one of the questions that I work on most of the customers is love and marriage. Many people feel that they are in a bad relationship, and miss what life has to offer because they Iraqi feel the same passion and enthusiasm about their partner as they did years ago when they met first.

They wonder if they should leave the relationship and move forward and come to me for the response.

The client must know that no one knows what is good for them as well as they do themselves. They must seek their souls and to work on it is that they are looking for. I get to know my client by asking many questions and through this, get the search started. I have then to help the client find its own answers.

Provided that the client is not harmed in any way in close al case that I find is the hat of the client is concerned because they do not have the same physical reaction to their partners as they have done any first and Iraq see him as perfect. It is quite normal.

This does not mean that you Iraqi love your partner. It simply means that your chemical reactions are returned to normal, and it is now for you to choose if you want to choose to love your partner as love is a choice.

What is love for you?
It is important to spend time talking with the client on what love is for them and in 99% of cases after digging deep client will say that love is a magic feeling that comes after have found their soulmate. They hope that the sense of metamorphis because they satisfy a particular person and remain for as long as they are with this person. They feel disadvantaged when this is not the case.

The problem is that we are all so indoctrinated by films and of fairy tales and posters on what love is that we are not to get what we expect, as the fact is that perfection, we expect to there is no fixed.

What Causes the feeling of love?
After talk that loving feeling focus on the fact that the first ' in love' feelings we have for our partner based on chemical products associated with lust and attraction. Lust is the first step of love, and it is based on hormones sexual testosterone and estrogen. Attraction is the second stage of love and is based on three neurotransmitters; Adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin.

When you first fall in love with this stress and increases the adrenaline and cortisol in your blood levels. This causes physical symptoms such as the sweaty palms, shortness of breath, a racing heart, fun giggling and a dry mouth.

The feelings caused by these chemicals are very powerful and many people become addicted to them that they feel so great. When chemicals reduce, as they always do, they feel duped and find feelings again. This means that the person is constantly looking for the feelings associated with the early stages to be love and experiences never really contentment that comes with the third stage of love that as an attachment.

The third stage of love - attachment
After we get through the early stages of the love of lust and attraction we come finally to the third stage is the attachment. In this step that we are supposed to build our life with another person and raise a family. The scene is supposed to remain strong for many decades and develops through the links created by the tribulations, tests and shared experiences.

It is here that love often breaks down.
People realize that their partner is far from perfect and if they chose their partner based on the initial chemical feelings, that two people will have little in common.

You now have three choices. Choose love

When we realize that life with our partner will not be perfect, that we have three choices we can do:

1 Leave the relationship and the search for something that is perfect (or better);
2 Stay and be unfortunate because we think that there is something better and we are missing or
3 Recognize that relationships are hard work and choose to love our partner.

My clients often may not be aware that love is a choice. Is not sentiment in itself. The Dictionary says that the word "love" is a verb. It is a Word. This is something that we must take steps to obtain.

If we choose to love of our partners, we should start with ourselves forcing them to focus on the good not bad in themselves. Immediately this will change our perception of our partner as it will be positive negative step.

Then, we have to decide to take measures to make our partner happy and on a daily basis, we must undertake small acts of kindness as making our partner a cup of tea, to purchase their favourite cake at the supermarket, giving a compliment - while making them feel special. Your actions will cause your partner to feel loved and this will cause warm feelings for you, which in turn causes your partner want to make you feel loved. Your thoughts and actions will be reciprocal.

Once you choose to love your partner that you can. You simply take loving action. This is the reason why so many arranged marriages work well. The parties decide to marry and to a successful life and they do.

The only obstacle to love someone is your own decision as to if you want the love of the person and the mistaken belief that you find your soul mate. Homosexuals are created by understanding and share experiences on periods of time. You do not find them.

Similarly, it is simply not possible to love your husband more the day of your wedding that you twenty years later, as twenty years of working together to build a life will create deep links and mutual assistance that simply could not be present early in a relationship. There are different types of love and that we are all looking if we know it or not is the deep relationship that grows over time.

Choose to love.

Tonette Watson is a NLP practitioner certified with extensive experience in the business strategies and the success of life.

She is the founder of success.

It offers online, telephone and mentoring and coaching of the sessions that will change your state of mind and the empowerment of your group life.

She is an expert to help you determine what you want to start a relationship and how to achieve by taking action on the right. In particular, it teaches that love is a choice not a sense and that homosexuals are created over time not found.

It helps you to understand that modern media create false hopes on that love is the result being that you pass one relationship to another looking for something that does not exist. This leads to feelings of helplessness and dissatisfaction. Really, however, al Amur is and it is a question of deciding to love someone and take loving action.

Tonette Watson
Sow of success


What Age Should You Get Married?

I read an article that Justin Bieber has set an age limit of 25 for when he wants to get married and start a family. He's 17 right now. To me this brings back memories of my teenage friends dying to get married as soon as possible, and me perfectly happy being single and living my life with marriage being an issue.

Is there an age limit that you should set out for 'settling down' and having a family, or should you just live your life as you go along and figure out when the time is right by letting it come. I personally believe in the latter.

I have many friends who got married and had kids young only to realize that 'settling down' is not what they really wanted years later. Their taste is men or women changed and their beliefs and needs changed as well - unfortunately their partner stayed the same as when they first got married and they just eventually grew apart.

I also have friends who got married young and are happily married still. They've enjoyed their marriage right from beginning to where they are now and they have never looked back or regretted a moment.

So what's difference? What is the factor that decides when you are ready to get married?

Wanting Versus Feeling Required

I think a lot of problems start once you feel like you have to get married but don't want to get married.

One thing I've noticed is that many people get married and have kids because it is expected of them. Whether it's a religious expectation or their family putting pressure on them, they succumbed to the fact that they are 'supposed' to get married and have kids, even if they don't totally feel like doing it yet.

I personally never had this problem. Just because someone excepted something out of me didn't decide whether I was doing it or not. For instance, all my friends were getting married and my dad was talking about the day that he was going to have grandchildren, and all I could think about was how I didn't want to get married and have kids but how I did want to please my parents and friends.

The pressure never overtook the desire not to get married and have kids, and today I am thankful that I didn't give into it because I'm still not concerned about getting married, and I still don't want kids. I'm not saying I'm not in a loving and committed relationship, but I don't have the need to please everyone by getting rings on our fingers and walking down the aisle.

If the feeling of wanting to get married or have kids ever came to me then that would be a different story! But it hasn't, and I don't think I would be truly happy if I were being untrue to myself.

I'm not saying that some people don't get married out of pressure and end up being happily married in the end. That can happen as well. But I do think you have a better chance of being happily married if you want to be married in the first place!

Is there a specific age in when that's going to happen? No. Justin Bieber can't predict when he's going to be ready to be married. It could be 2 years from now or 20 years from now. He's setting a goal based on what he's seen and believes about life, but he doesn't know the exact moment that he will feel the desire to get married and settle down, or if that moment will even come. Nobody does. But that moment should be the deciding factor, not pressure.

Bellaisa is the owner of the Relationship Circle, a website with relationship advice for men and women on dating, intimacy, and relationship problems.

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